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NVX Standalone Early Access Support


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More Information about NVX Standalone

Why did we choose CodeIgniter 4? Compared to Laravel:
1. Faster
2. More secure
3. Lower server load

What we have done:
1. Login, registration, user grouping
2. Basic settings
3. A core-code prepared for our extensions
4. User management
5. New design – modern than NVX Theme

What do we need to implement first?
1. User packages
2. Payments (Stripe, PayPal) using the OmniPay v3 library (much easier to add additional payment gateways later while maintaining universality)
3. Automatic invoices (EU template)
4. Addon Manager

Other important information:
1. We are making the entire application based on an API, which means the application will be suitable for creating a mobile application or connecting with other applications.
2. The Team Members feature will be available from the start.
3. What technologies are we using? Bootstrap 5, CSS 3, CodeIgniter 4, jQuery
4. When do we plan to release Standalone with Addons? Q1 2025
5. Remember, purchased addons will work in Standalone.

Do you want to influence NVX Standalone? Shape the future of the project? Buy us a coffee and join the Early Access Group.

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